My dislike of cockroaches is only second to my dislike of spiders. But I can't help wondering if we should do it just because we can.
Your daily dose of the strange and crazies.
7. The ability to clone a sim in the character creation screen is definitely a plus if you are making twins off the bat or need multiples of one sim for a video. (+)
8. The new trait system adds some new elements to the game that's really different from previous installments. Each trait gives you different possible lifetime achievements to pick from as well as prompt different moods and possible events in the "Live" mode. It almost feels like a.... rpg! (+)
Live Mode
First, let me just say, one of the awesomest things (so far) about this game is the ability to go from your own house to another lot/property in the city without having to deal wtih the annoying load screen. There is no wait time once you've finished creating your sim. From the moment you put them in a lot, you can zoom freely in and out of their house and into the map screen where you can see the whoel time. At one point I sent my sim to the theatre and I think I saw him physically walk down the street to the venue.
This is very much like SimsVille that was in production before they chucked it for whatever reason (I looked forwards to it for a long time until The Sims 2 was announced). It's also great to finally physically see the workplaces of the sims, instead of sending them off to the ether whenever the carpool picked them up. You can even zoom right to the work location when you are on the look for a job screen.
One strange/nice thing is, instead of placing the newspaper randomly on the ground, the sims will now place them in their inventory, prompting me to repeatedly ask the question of, "Where did the newspaper go?!" when I was trying to find my other sim a job.
Skill building and the daily life is mostly the sims as before. Although certain traits will allow your sim to learn some skills faster than other sims and the biological needs of the sims don't need to be met nearly as much as before. (Less bathroom time, essentially.)
And I am not ashamed to say that I was hoping for more from 'Whohooing.' I feel like it was steamier in The Sims 2 than Sims 3. Literally. Please see the following video.
This is getting a little long. So I'll break it up so I can talk more indepth about the other aspects of gameplay in a different post. For now, let me just conclude with a section about what makes The Sims 3 so much better for filming.
Video Capture
As someone currently working on filming in the sims 2, I have to say this game is so much more conducive to filming on a low-end machine. There was absolutely no lag when I press that "V" button and the video recorded with a resolution of 1024 x 600....something (sorry I don't have my notes in front of me!), which is awesome resolution. I can't wait to try it on another, better machine at home.
Here is another video with some gratuitous nudity.
And as smooth as that video looked, it was as smooth as it was during recording. I can't express enough in words how much I love that. The quality went down a little once she started moving but it's not really that bad at all.
Stay tuned for more the next few days.
“I understand that Americans have a fear of zombies, but that shouldn’t
keep them from obeying the law,” Orneuve said. “They’re discriminating against
me beacuse of my religion and my physical condition. It’s got to stop.”
“I’m not dead – I’m the living dead,” says Orneuve. “There’s a distinct
difference. They treat me like I don’t exist.
Then it goes on to say more things which really concern. Now granted, this is Britain we're talking about, but still.
Although a mere 5% of students confessed to having had a sexually transmitted
disease (STD) – much lower than the national average of one in three people –
around half of respondents admitted to having unprotected sex
1 in 3? Seriously? If for some reason I ever go to the UK as a single woman, I will never hook up with anyone there. Never. That's disturbing. For that matter, what's the stat for the US? Because if it's the same, I'm not having sex with anyone I haven't put through the screening then. If I were single that is.
And this:
Sam Tucker, a spokesman for St Anne's College, said he thought that the reason
for a relatively high number of students having unprotected sex could stem from
lack of knowledge about the risks. He said: "I think people sometimes don't
realise the consequences of their actions.
Do they have a worse sex education than we do or something? I don't think people can still use that excuse here. I had 3 or 4 separate health education that told me unprotected sex was bad from 6th grade to high school graduation. If you have unpotected sex, it's because you're stupid, lazy, or easily manipulated.
And in case you don't know about them yet... pygma jerboas are cute! I had a video but I can't get it working right now. Will post later I suppose.