Monday, June 1, 2009

Let's all study history

This was supposed to be one fo yesterday's posts but I got sick... but let's start with this:

I came across an article about how history students are more promiscuous. At least according to a study done on over 850 students at Oxford University by the Cherwell newspaper (student run). They also found that students who do not have sex more than once a month are most likely to come first in their degree.

Couple things here.

  1. I don't think 850 students is really that good of a sample number. But I guess it's not that bad for a "casual" survey.
  2. You can't trust surveys anyway because people lie even when it's anonymous.
  3. Next time you see "summa cum laude" on someone's diploma, you know they weren't getting any in college--despite the what it may look like. (Yes, I know it's Latin, but it still looks funny because guess what, we don't speak Latin.)
  4. However, chances are, they may be getting more lay now. Especially if they have a lot of money.
  5. The biggest question is... did this survey tell us that history students get the most booty or do they just lie the most about getting said booty?

Then it goes on to say more things which really concern. Now granted, this is Britain we're talking about, but still.

Although a mere 5% of students confessed to having had a sexually transmitted
disease (STD) – much lower than the national average of one in three people –
around half of respondents admitted to having unprotected sex

1 in 3? Seriously? If for some reason I ever go to the UK as a single woman, I will never hook up with anyone there. Never. That's disturbing. For that matter, what's the stat for the US? Because if it's the same, I'm not having sex with anyone I haven't put through the screening then. If I were single that is.

And this:

Sam Tucker, a spokesman for St Anne's College, said he thought that the reason
for a relatively high number of students having unprotected sex could stem from
lack of knowledge about the risks. He said: "I think people sometimes don't
realise the consequences of their actions.

Do they have a worse sex education than we do or something? I don't think people can still use that excuse here. I had 3 or 4 separate health education that told me unprotected sex was bad from 6th grade to high school graduation. If you have unpotected sex, it's because you're stupid, lazy, or easily manipulated.

And in case you don't know about them yet... pygma jerboas are cute! I had a video but I can't get it working right now. Will post later I suppose.

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